Tag Archive for: PKST

Many years ago, when I was in high school, my Dad gave me some scholarly advice that paid dividends in subsequent years. He said that if I was stumped on an essay question, then the best thing to do was to “show what I know”. I may not have all the facts about the Battle of Antietam, but I might be able to muster some pretty decent paragrpahs about why Abraham Lincoln demoted General George McClellan. “Show what you know” snatched mediocrity from the flames of academic despair on several occasions.

That’s where I’m at this week. I don’t have any new conclusions, but I can tell you a few of my thoughts and observations. Here’s to showing what (little) I know…

Peakstone Realty Trust (PKST)

Oh Peakstone, you broke my heart. Last fall, I thought I found the ideal REIT trading at an enormous discount. Peakstone was priced in the $14 range and had a market cap of $480 million. The office and industrial REIT owns some prime property like the Freeport McMoRan tower in downtown Phoenix, Amazon distribution centers, and the McKesson office complex in Scottsdale.

I threw a ludicrous cap rate at the office space and figured the real estate was still worth about $1.7 billion. After subtracting net debt of $936 million, I thought the stock was worth $18. Plus it had a 6% yield.

We’re now 40% lower, and that stings. A lot. All management really had to do was buy back stock, sell assets and pay down debt. When your dividend is yielding 6%, it’s a no-brainer. Instead, deal junkies do what deal junkies gotta do. Deals, y’all. In November, they went out and re-levered the balance sheet in to buy a $490 million portfolio of outdoor storage real estate at a cap rate of… 5.2%.

I did not have buying B industrial assets with negative leverage on my bingo card, but there you go. The website photos on Peakstone’s portfolio page now look like the opening credits from Sopranos.

Barry-Callebaut (BRRLY)

The Zurich-based refiner and seller of chocolate has taken an absolute beating as the price of cocoa has skyrocketed. Shares are down 50% over the past year. I’ve never seen anything quite like the price chart for cocoa. Parabolic is an understatement. It’s actually mind-boggling.

Crop failures in Ivory Coast and Ghana have led to a shortage. But is it really that bad? There’s got to be an opportunity here somewhere. Surely futures markets are way over their skis?

Barry-Callebaut is one of the leading suppliers to confectioners, and they have a dynamic new CEO who has begun an efficiency drive. The problem is that Barry-Callebaut had to purchase inventories of cocoa at massive discounts to the contracted sales prices to their customers.

Working capital looks like an absolute trainwreck. The company spent over 2.6 billion CHF on cococa inventory over the past year. In order to cover the loss, BRRLY turned to the debt markets and raised about 3 billion CHF. Eventually, the cocoa market’s gotta rebalance, right?

Digital Realty Trust (DLR)

The sector is so hot right now. An Australian fund manager, Nate Koppikar, is shorting data centers in the belief that supply of will outstrip demand as this whole AI-thing bursts its bubble. I have looked at Digital Realty in some depth. I don’t have much of a smoking gun here, but I do agree that the market is way ahead of itself.

Digital Realty trades at 24 times projected funds from operations and carries an enterprise value of $70.4 billion. I produced a cocktail napkin set of numbers and my conclusion is that the stock trades at a 40% premium to its intrinsic value.

I took the most recent unlevered free cash flow of $1.9 billion and applied a cap rate of 5.5%. This results in an asset value of $35 billion. I subtracted debt, redeemable noncontrolling interests, preferred stock and added joint venture investments at 2 times book value. Next, I ran a very basic discounted cash flow on a future investment pipeline that essentially doubles the company’s real estate footprint in five years. I assumed 25% leverage for the new properties. The present value of future development amounts to $17.4 billion. The sum of these pieces is an estimate of net asset value of $39.7 billion.

Obviously, this is a work in progress, but here are my general observations thus far: REITs must distribute 90% of their taxable income. Therefore, it is very difficult to achieve growth through the reinvestment of profits. DLR pays a dividend yield near 3%, and this leaves virtually zero cash to deploy into new data centers. DLR must, therefore, raise external capital in order to grow. I assumed that they continue to borrow 25% of their future investment requirements. The rest needs to come from the issuance of new stock. Indeed, during the first three quarters of 2024, Digital Realty raised $2.7 billion by issuing new shares.

Raising cash through the sale of stock to deploy into profitable real estate developments works just fine as long as the return on capital exceeds the cost of capital. In this regard, DLR’s recent track record has been unexceptional. Returns on capital have hovered near 6.5%. In my future development scenario, I assumed returns of 10%. This is what their major competitor Equinix has been able to achieve. DLR has been able to produce shareholder value despite unremarkable asset performance because they loaded up with debt at the absolute bottom of the COVID-era interest rate bonanza. The weighted average cost of the $17.1 billion of loans outstanding is a puny 2.9%. Unfortunately, the incremental debt for the development program will have an interest rate in the 5% range.

At this point, I don’t have a strong conviction about the value of Digital Realty. My projections are too simplistic to be relied upon. But I do believe that the stock reflects a future development pipeline that must be executed flawlessly and at returns much higher than the company has a achieved in recent years. REITs that can issue stock, and deploy the cash at returns in excess of the cost of capital work very well. When they don’t deliver those returns, they become shareholder dilution machines. I’m going to leave it here for now.

Until next time.


The information provided in this article is based on the opinions of the author after reviewing publicly available press reports and SEC filings. The author makes no representations or warranties as to accuracy of the content provided. This is not investment advice. You should perform your own due diligence before making any investments.

I was in a couple of clubs this past week. Let’s start with the fun club. The Irish band Fontaines DC played a sold-out Slowdown on Saturday night. The band went on at 9 and I almost missed the opener. Maybe they saw the prevalence of white males over the age of 40 and reckoned it would need to be an early bedtime. This is a Grammy-nominated group of guys in their 20’s touring in support of their fourth album, so we’re not talking Van Morrison here. Where were all the kids? It made me think of the recent article with the hypothesis that rock and roll died with Kurt Cobain. This is a pretty dramatic take on the music industry, but I think a lot of youngsters are gravitating towards hip-hop and EDM where most of the sonic barriers are being broken.

You could hear the appeal to an older set: Carlos O’Connor has the guitar stylings of a Jonny Greenwood, and listeners of a certain vintage surely hear echoes of Nirvana, The Pixies, The Church, The Cure and even Weezer in the mix. Grian Chatten has an impressive vocal range and his cadence can sound almost like a Dublinesque Eminem at times. Maybe it’s the cyncial nature of the songs. After all, the band’s most powerful track “I Love You” has a chorus of “Say it to the man who profits, and the bastard walks by.” Jaded stuff. Excellent music, nonetheless.

Dublin rockers would sneer at the other club I visited last week. Jim Grant held his annual conference in New York, and I decided I wanted to see some different rock stars: Stan Druckenmiller on slide guitar and Bill Ackman on drums. Druckenmiller got the most headlines when he said that his old boss, George Soros, would be a little disappointed that he hadn’t committed more capital to his high-conviction trade: Short the long end of the yield curve. In a country running peacetime deficits of roughly 7-8% of GDP where neither presidential candidate has made a peep about a balanced budget, a long duration Treasury has much to blush at. Toss in a recession and war, and you have real downside risk holding anything longer than two-year paper. He was also firm is his belief that no foreigners were safe investing in a China controlled by Xi Jinping, despite David Tepper’s recent optimism.

I was most intrigued by Boaz Weinstein’s presentation. This chess prodigy was a Deutsche Bank managing director at 27. His firm, Saba Capital, has targeted the closed-end fund universe where wide discounts to underlying net asset values can persist for a long time. Saba has pressured some managers to narrow the discounts by taking large positions in the funds and gaining sufficient board control to advocate buying back shares or liquidating altogether.

Weinstein was particularly vocal about his legal brushes with BlackRock. The battles with the asset management behemoth have been contentious (and expensive), and it was slightly appalling to hear about the lengths BlackRock would go to suppress actions that could benefit widows and orphans trapped in underperforming closed-end vehicles. Saba’s Closed-End Funds ETF trades a with the ticker CEFS and has a current distribution rate of 7.62%. There’s limited downside, and you get to earn a nice yield while you let Mr. Weinstein work his craft. Seems like a good club.

Michael Green’s presentation on the distortion of passive vehicles in the market was compelling, but I couldn’t help but think he was preaching to the choir. I invite you to read his thought-provoking pieces. His point has validity: The concentration of market capitalization in the biggest stocks is increasingly reinforced by the automated passive funds which allocate towards a market-cap weighted index. Passive funds have made a mockery of most performances of the managers in the audience, however, and I had a feeling that Larry Fink was sitting down at Hudson Yards watching the proceedings remotely with a smile on his face.

I can tell you who is not in the club: Warren Buffett. The man is sitting on nearly $300 billion of cash. Sure, he could be hedging the likely increase in capital gains taxes should the Democrats take control. He could be getting his “affairs in order,” as they say. But for a guy who famously says you shouldn’t time the market, it feels an awful lot like market timing to me. I offer the chart from Jennifer Nash at Advisor Perspectives:

Corporate equities as a percentage of GDP have rarely been so high. The Fed is cutting rates into an environment of very loose financial conditions. What could go wrong?

So where are the clubs that I want to hang? I mentioned Saba’s ETF above. A few weeks ago, I talked about relative value at Peakstone Realty Trust (PKST) and the ethanol producer REX American Resources (REX). Sam Zell’s (RIP) Equity Commonwealth has a no-brainer preferred yielding north of 6%. I’m supposed to hang out in the real estate club, but developing apartments at a 6.5% return on cost with a looming oversupply of units at rents that need to be 30% higher than pandemic era prices seems like an unfriendly wager.

I’d rather hang out with Barry Sternlicht. He can often be found on CNBC lately crying the blues and talking his book, but the guy is a legend. Starwood will probably have some messes to clean up, but they will also seize opportunities to profit from distress. Meanwhile you can hold STWD at a 9.5% dividend yield with the best capital allocators in the business. It makes illiquid and highly leveraged suburban Omaha apartments seem like a visit to the yearbook club after school. Anchored to old memories, the club is far too optimistic that the good times will return. Go to the reunion in 30 years and see what decades of high leverage and “equity” subordinated to a 9% preference can do to a guy. It ain’t pretty.

I tried to get interested in Heartland Express trucking (HTLD) recently. The company’s stock has seen a lot of insider buying in recent months. I can make an argument that HTLD is selling at a discount to its intrinsic value. It trades at an EBITDA multiple of about 7x. If you figure free cash flow can hit $115 million in 2024 during a freight recession, then there should be a lot of upside. The recent market cap is around $900 million for a company that could be worth $1.2 billion.

My enthusiasm waned quite a bit when I noticed that much of the aforementioned cash flow came from a lack of investment in trucks. Heartland depreciated nearly $100 million of its vehicles in the first six months of 2024, but only invested about $3 million (net) in new trucks. By comparison, local company Werner Enterprises depreciated $146 million of vehicles during the first six months of 2024 and reinvested a net $118 million in new equipment. The freight market is probably recovering, but it will take a lot of capital for Heartland to modernize its fleet. This one’s a pass for me.

I’m working on a write up for Welltower (WELL). I mentioned it several weeks ago as a very expensive stock with slightly dubious amounts of asset churn. There is a lack of a clear strategy with medical office buildings paired with B-quality senior living assets. The company is a REIT and yields a sub-par 2.2%. The stock has risen 54% over the past 12 months and trades hands at a $76 billion market cap. It strikes me as absurdly overvalued and is my strongest candidate for a short position. You can talk all you want about favorable demographics, but the earnings are weak and the operating costs are not improving as more states impose minimum staffing requirements. Medicare reimbursements are dropping and the company is highly levered.

Until next time.

Appendix: Heartland Trucking income statement and return on capital.

Are the Cornhuskers back? They seemed unstoppable in the first half. Fun times. The stadium was electric. The second half was a little underwhelming. I’m not so sure about the post-game field invasion by the students. Let’s hold off the pandemonium until we get some bigger wins under our belt. Despite all the flashy antics from the Sanders family, Colorado probably just wasn’t that good.

I rushed the field on a freezing November afternoon in 1991. We came from behind to beat Oklahoma. It was a Big 8 championship. In a testament to just how good our offensive lines were during the Osborne era, our quarterback on that day was neither Gill, Frazier, Crouch, nor Frost. Not even Gdowski. It was none other than the merely adequate Keithen McCant. Of course, he was backed in the I-formation by the Omaha Central grad, Calvin Jones. The future All-American 200-lb machine was only in his sophomore year.

Looking around Memorial Stadium, it is readily apparent that Nebraska is truly dependent upon agriculture. You can’t miss all those seed and insecticide banners among the flashing Dororthy Lynch signs. We tend to forget this in Omaha. We’re an ag state, but lately the state of ag isn’t so great. Corn at $4 a bushel won’t buy you much name, image and likeness recognition.

You might think that the ethanol business would be a good place right now. Reasonable gasoline prices and lower corn input costs should help the ethanol producers improve their margins. Unfortunately, Omaha’s Green Plains (GPRE) doesn’t seem to be heading in the right direction. The company is losing money and they are the subject of an activist investor campaign seeking to liquidate the business.

GPRE trades around book value; they’ve got some debt but it is mostly in the form of low-rate convertible notes. I think someone with better industry knowledge can decipher whether or not the stock is bargain at it’s nearly 52-week lows. It would have to be someone who can conduct a sum-of-the-parts valuation. I decided to not hurt my brain too much and search for a profitable ethanol producer instead.

REX American Resouces (REX) seems to be the kind of ethanol investment that makes sense. The Dayton, Ohio company has a market cap near $750 million and zero debt. They had nearly $350 million of cash on hand at the end of July, and they are currently plowing profits into a plant expansion. Sales run about $800 milion per year with gross profits approaching $100 million last year. Operating margins for the fiscal year ending Janaury 2024 were above 8%. I generally dislike businesses that rely on government mandates to sustain their operations, but with nearly 40% of all corn being grown for ethanol it seems unlikely that the program will ever be ended.

REX plans to spend $150 million to expand its One Earth facility in Illinois. At the end of January 2024, entities affiliated with REX shipped approximately 716 million gallons of ethanol over the preceding 12 month period, of which 290 million gallons can be attributed to the parent company. Most imporantly, REX is generating returns on capital in excess of 30%. The strong balance sheet allows the company a wide berth to weather another cyclical turn in the corn and energy markets. The stock is trading well below it’s highs from earlier this year. REX looks like an attractive investment.

Peakstone Realty Trust

I’m still gnawing away at my Peakstone Realty Trust (PKST) analysis. The company has a market cap of $500 million and currently yields slightly less than 7%. They have a marquis client roster with a focus on industrial warehouses, and (gasp) office space. Peakstone has about $1.4 billion of debt to go with $2.5 billion of (undepreciated) real estate, but most of the interest rates are capped in the 4.5% range. The weighted average life of remaining lease terms exceeds seven years, so there is a long runway here. The company has sold off some troubled office. This one’s not for the faint of heart, but if you had to make a bet on babies being thrown out with bathwater, you should consider PKST.

Total net operating income for the trailing twelve months was $191.8 million. I capitalized these amounts by sector using 6.5% for industrial, 7.5% for “other,” and 20% for office and arrived at an asset value of $1.73 billion. Subtract the debt and add the ample cash balance of $461 million, and the net asset value is nearly $800 million. The stock is selling for $13.70 and the assets seem to pencil at $21 a share. You might even call this a margin of safety.

These aren’t self-storage facilities in Hastings, people. We’re talking Amazon warehouses here. The office? You’ve got the Freeport McMoRan HQ building in Phoenix, for example. Class A stuff. Is there more downside in office? Maybe. Is a 20% cap rate something I just pulled out of the air? A little bit. Certainly, the next step is to evaluate the office portfolio on a building-by-building basis and decide what is a zero and what is valuable. There’s also this troubling notion of the market being fairly efficient most of the time, and 25 cents aren’t just lying around waiting to be picked up. But sometimes that quarter on the ground really is there for the taking.

I’m getting a little weary of Charlie Munger quotes, to be honest. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no question that we recently lost an intellectual giant and a man of high moral character. His investment acumen and the genius ability to cut straight to the heart of a matter was legendary. But I think the elevation of his aphorisms to a form of business gospel reduces our own capacity to think for ourselves. He was just a man. Mortal. It’s ok to have heroes, but it’s not safe to put them on pedestals.

I imagine Munger could be insufferable at times. A real crusty bastard. Did you ever see his dorm design for USC? He must have been a dynamo when he was earning his capital as a lawyer and real estate developer. You probably regretted getting in his way. He was unapologetic about his desire to be rich and I’m sure he never suffered fools gladly. Ah, but yes, at his core he was among the wisest of the wise. So, after a long-winded preface, here is my Charles Munger quote: “If something is too hard to do, we look for something that isn’t too hard to do.”

I’m filing Welltower in the “too hard” category. Welltower (WELL) is a $62 billion market cap REIT that owns senior living facilities and medical office buildings. WELL is also a bank of sorts. It lends money to developers of properties. It has JVs with a bunch of developers. Some of the assets are leased triple-net to operators, many are operated directly by Welltower. The company is also a prolific issuer of new stock and an expert at churning real estate. It’s head-spinning and hard to completely grasp. This is a company whose CEO, Shankh Mitra, quoted Jensen Huang in the annual report. I’m not saying that running real estate for old people doesn’t have much in common with NVDIA. Ah hell, who am I kidding? This is the vibes economy. Everything runs on NVDIA.

In fairness to Mr. Mitra, he also candidly told a 2023 audience, speaking of the industry, “On average, in the last 10 years we haven’t made any money for capital [providers].” The oversupply conditions of the middle part of the last decade were just beginning to recede when COVID hit. Now, prospects for better economics seem to finally be destined for senior housing operators due to the unfeasibility of new supply and the rapid aging of the boomer generation. The stock market seems to agree. The stock has run up 24% since the start of the year as occupancy and margins vaulted upwards.

Despite Mr. Mitra’s humility, there’s not much for me to like about the company as an investment. A REIT with a mixed collection of properties doesn’t deserve to trade at a higher multiple than apartment buildings, and certainly not better than medical office buildings. The demographic story has legs, I’ll grant you that. But you can say that about Skechers slip-ons or Hey Dudes.

I was first intrigued by Welltower late in 2022, when Hindenburg published a report questioning the absorption of some troubled JV assets. The short-seller specifically cast doubt upon the relationship with Integra Healthcare Properties. There was a lot of mystery about Integra. Hindenburg called it a phony transaction. Integra’s website is still just a collection of canned photos of smiling elderly folks with zero substance (at least they updated the copyright date to 2024!). Crickets from the market.

In my view, the only thing Welltower is guilty of is being exceptionally underwhelming. Welltower generated $6.4 billion in revenues during 2023. Property operating expenses absorbed 59% of revenues vs 52% of revenues in 2018. The industry sees itself getting back to pre-pandemic margins as staffing issues abate. I’m not so sure. States have ramped up calls for minimum staffing levels. The industry is also facing a lot of scrutiny about Medicare reimbursements. I don’t know enough about these challenges, so I can’t opine about the true risks to the company. I just know they exist.

What I can tell you is that I don’t think Welltower has much room to expand its distributions to shareholders above it’s current paltry yield of 2.35%. Once you deduct maintenance capital items from operating income and interest on over $15 billion of debt, there’s not much left.

No matter how many assets the company churns, the return on capital seems mired in the mid-single digits. The company has issued over $14.4 billion of stock since 2018, acquired $18 billion of assets during the period, while selling $9.9 billion. All this huffing and puffing hasn’t produced a formula that shows it can distribute increasing levels of cash to shareholders in a sustainable way. It is not unfair to say that some of the distributions are being funded with new equity. That’s not a great recipe. And for a CEO that says there aren’t many opportunities for new construction, the deal guys didn’t get the memo because Welltower had about $1 billion of construction in progress at the end of 2023.

Apparently, the market completely disagrees with me about the Welltower story. A 25% stock increase for a senior housing play is impressive. I am equally impressed that Welltower just raised over $1 billion of new debt at 3.25%. Is it pure debt? No, not for Welltower. It’s another dilutive offering. A convertible note due in 2029 that vests once the stock price rises 22.5%. I’m not sure who buys such debt when the five-year Treasury yield can be had for 4%, but it was probably a couple of fund managers who were feeling as frisky as Wilfred Brimley and Don Ameche in swim shorts.

So, I bid you adieu, Welltower. Low returns on capital, poor coverage on a low dividend yield, a churn of assets, acting like a loan shark, pumping new stock and forming a lot of unconsolidated JV’s… sounds like this one’s just too hard.

The easy column. I missed a fat pitch. I looked at it and didn’t have time to get my bat off my shoulder. It may not be too late, but I still need to dig deeper. Hat tip to Adam Block on social media who noticed Peakstone Realty Trust (PKST) was trading around $11 per share on July 10, giving the REIT a market cap of about $382 million. It sported a dividend yield north of 8%. Alas, it ran up 20% in two days. It still trades well below the $39 per share of last summer, so there may be juice left in the squeeze.

Peakstone had $436 million in cash at the end of March with a book value of real estate (excluding depreciation) in the neighborhood of $3.3 billion. Yes, there is debt of $1.4 billion. It costs Peakstone about 6.75% to finance the loans which roll over during the 2025-26 period. So, there’s loan renewal risk as well. But this is a pretty good portfolio of assets. The buildings consist of office and industrial space, but they’re mostly leased to single users with high credit such as Pepsi Bottling, Amazon and Maxar. Total square footage of the assets is 16.6 million. Net operating income for the quarter was $47.6 million. As far as I can tell, the market was essentially ascribing zero value to the assets at the beginning of last week. Even if you figure a monstrous 12% capitalization rate on an annualized run of quarterly NOI, there is adequate cushion above the debt. Seems like one to dig into. Easy? No. Simple to comprehend? Yes.