Tag Archive for: Michael Green

MASH was always full of laughs, but those CBS writers never let you forget about the senseless brutality of war. One minute the affable Colonel Henry Blake is on his way back from Korea to his wife and kids, the next minute he’s gone. Radar runs into the triage tent to tell everyone the news. Gut punch.

So goes Hollywood. Blake’s actor, McLean Stevenson, wanted more screen time. Fed up, he asked to be released from his contract in 1975. CBS obliged. I’m sure McLean Stevenson appeared in other roles. I can’t tell you what those were.

We don’t like to admit so much in life comes down to luck. It has to be skill, knowledge, expertise or “God’s plan”, right? There must be an explanation.

But sometimes luck really is the answer. Henry Blake lands in Tokyo. McLean Stevenson gets cast as Mr. Rourke on Fantasy Island.

Sure, you can put yourself into a lucky positions. Sam Zell’s father knew the Nazis were coming for his family. He prepared. He moved assets. He fled Poland. He also just happened to catch the last train out before the Luftwaffe bombed the tracks.

America has had a lot of lucky breaks. In the War of 1812, England was on the verge of reclaiming her colonies. Washington, DC was under siege by the British army. After the White House burned to the ground, a great tornado struck the Potomac valley. The British fled.

But we’ve gone too far. We’ve turned into a nation of degenerate gamblers. It’s not enough to go to a casino down the street or have an online sports betting app on your phone. You can trade memecoins! Just buy stock in quantum computing companies with no viable way to profitability. Or, you can roll your entire net worth into triple-levered Nasadq QQQ ETF’s. You’ll be fine. Stop-loss orders always get filled in a market panic.

That’s why value investing appeals to me. There is so much luck, chance and uncertainty involved in business. You can’t know the future. But you can hope to find companies that are selling at a price with a margin of safety – they appear to have some protection from downside; from bad luck and all of its cousins.

The most unlikely place to find good companies selling for reasonable prices is Hong Kong. As unbelievable as that sentence may read, it was not generated by Co-Pilot. Two weeks ago, I wrote about the bargain price for Johnson Electric (JEHLY), and briefly mentioned Budweiser APAC (BDWBY) and Sinopec Kantons (SPKOY). This week I am recommending WH Group (WHGLY).

WH Group is the world’s largest producer of pork. The stock trades on the Hong Kong bourse and can also be bought over the counter at about $15.90 per share. The company had revenues of $26.2 billion in 2023 and $25.4 billion over the last twelve months’ reporting period through June of 2024. China and Europe accounted for 39% of WH Group’s 1H2024 revenues, and 46% of operating profits. The company was unfazed by the pandemic, instead it suffered it’s worst financial results during 2023 when pork prices in North America collapsed causing major inventory write-downs at the Smithfield division.

WH Group purchased the Virginia-based Smithfield for $4.7 billion in 2013. Now, WH Group plans to-relist Smithfield in a share offering. The projected value of the Smithfield operation is $10.7 billion. As part of the IPO, WH Group will reap about $540 billion in cash and reduce its ownership stake from 100% to 89.9%.

WH Group trades with a trailing PE of 10.4 times earnings and pays a substantial 5.6% dividend yield. The company is rated BBB by Standard & Poor’s, carrying a modest $3.8 billion of debt and operating leases with a weighted average interest rate of 4.4%. Gross margins are in the 19% range, with net margins above 8.5%. Returns on capital have been between 13% and 15% in recent years which seems noteworthy for a food processor.

By my calculations, WH Group has more than 23% upside. Unlevered free cash flow for the company exceeded $1.8 billion over the trailing-twelve month reporting period. Employing a weighted average cost of capital of 9.77%, gives WHGLY a value of $18.9 billion. Adding $800 million of cash but subtracting the debt and about $400 million of pension obligations leaves  an earnings power valuation of $15.6 billion. Adjusting for non-controlling interests, WH Group is worth about $13.4 billion, or $21 per American share. The effect of the Smithfield IPO is also presented below.

There are plenty of caveats. WH Group is listing its Smithfield operations because they have an opportunity to raise some cash, but the political optics are important. Distancing China from the US food chain is probably a well-caulculated move to insulate the company from US criticism. Second, WH Group has already run up by about 30% over the past 12 months. The really low-hanging fruit has been plucked. Finally, the Chinese economy is suffering a dramatic downturn as the property market hangover sets in. Consumers are in a frugal mood. Eating less pork may be a way for Chinese households to economize.

The Smithfield IPO will be a landmark moment for WH Group. If the North American operations receive a $10.7 billion stamp of approval by American investors, it could lead investors to ascribe a higher multiple to the Chinese and European businesses.

Until next time.


The information provided in this article is based on the opinions of the author after reviewing publicly available press reports and SEC filings. The author makes no representations or warranties as to accuracy of the content provided. This is not investment advice. You should perform your own due diligence before making any investments.

I was in a couple of clubs this past week. Let’s start with the fun club. The Irish band Fontaines DC played a sold-out Slowdown on Saturday night. The band went on at 9 and I almost missed the opener. Maybe they saw the prevalence of white males over the age of 40 and reckoned it would need to be an early bedtime. This is a Grammy-nominated group of guys in their 20’s touring in support of their fourth album, so we’re not talking Van Morrison here. Where were all the kids? It made me think of the recent article with the hypothesis that rock and roll died with Kurt Cobain. This is a pretty dramatic take on the music industry, but I think a lot of youngsters are gravitating towards hip-hop and EDM where most of the sonic barriers are being broken.

You could hear the appeal to an older set: Carlos O’Connor has the guitar stylings of a Jonny Greenwood, and listeners of a certain vintage surely hear echoes of Nirvana, The Pixies, The Church, The Cure and even Weezer in the mix. Grian Chatten has an impressive vocal range and his cadence can sound almost like a Dublinesque Eminem at times. Maybe it’s the cyncial nature of the songs. After all, the band’s most powerful track “I Love You” has a chorus of “Say it to the man who profits, and the bastard walks by.” Jaded stuff. Excellent music, nonetheless.

Dublin rockers would sneer at the other club I visited last week. Jim Grant held his annual conference in New York, and I decided I wanted to see some different rock stars: Stan Druckenmiller on slide guitar and Bill Ackman on drums. Druckenmiller got the most headlines when he said that his old boss, George Soros, would be a little disappointed that he hadn’t committed more capital to his high-conviction trade: Short the long end of the yield curve. In a country running peacetime deficits of roughly 7-8% of GDP where neither presidential candidate has made a peep about a balanced budget, a long duration Treasury has much to blush at. Toss in a recession and war, and you have real downside risk holding anything longer than two-year paper. He was also firm is his belief that no foreigners were safe investing in a China controlled by Xi Jinping, despite David Tepper’s recent optimism.

I was most intrigued by Boaz Weinstein’s presentation. This chess prodigy was a Deutsche Bank managing director at 27. His firm, Saba Capital, has targeted the closed-end fund universe where wide discounts to underlying net asset values can persist for a long time. Saba has pressured some managers to narrow the discounts by taking large positions in the funds and gaining sufficient board control to advocate buying back shares or liquidating altogether.

Weinstein was particularly vocal about his legal brushes with BlackRock. The battles with the asset management behemoth have been contentious (and expensive), and it was slightly appalling to hear about the lengths BlackRock would go to suppress actions that could benefit widows and orphans trapped in underperforming closed-end vehicles. Saba’s Closed-End Funds ETF trades a with the ticker CEFS and has a current distribution rate of 7.62%. There’s limited downside, and you get to earn a nice yield while you let Mr. Weinstein work his craft. Seems like a good club.

Michael Green’s presentation on the distortion of passive vehicles in the market was compelling, but I couldn’t help but think he was preaching to the choir. I invite you to read his thought-provoking pieces. His point has validity: The concentration of market capitalization in the biggest stocks is increasingly reinforced by the automated passive funds which allocate towards a market-cap weighted index. Passive funds have made a mockery of most performances of the managers in the audience, however, and I had a feeling that Larry Fink was sitting down at Hudson Yards watching the proceedings remotely with a smile on his face.

I can tell you who is not in the club: Warren Buffett. The man is sitting on nearly $300 billion of cash. Sure, he could be hedging the likely increase in capital gains taxes should the Democrats take control. He could be getting his “affairs in order,” as they say. But for a guy who famously says you shouldn’t time the market, it feels an awful lot like market timing to me. I offer the chart from Jennifer Nash at Advisor Perspectives:

Corporate equities as a percentage of GDP have rarely been so high. The Fed is cutting rates into an environment of very loose financial conditions. What could go wrong?

So where are the clubs that I want to hang? I mentioned Saba’s ETF above. A few weeks ago, I talked about relative value at Peakstone Realty Trust (PKST) and the ethanol producer REX American Resources (REX). Sam Zell’s (RIP) Equity Commonwealth has a no-brainer preferred yielding north of 6%. I’m supposed to hang out in the real estate club, but developing apartments at a 6.5% return on cost with a looming oversupply of units at rents that need to be 30% higher than pandemic era prices seems like an unfriendly wager.

I’d rather hang out with Barry Sternlicht. He can often be found on CNBC lately crying the blues and talking his book, but the guy is a legend. Starwood will probably have some messes to clean up, but they will also seize opportunities to profit from distress. Meanwhile you can hold STWD at a 9.5% dividend yield with the best capital allocators in the business. It makes illiquid and highly leveraged suburban Omaha apartments seem like a visit to the yearbook club after school. Anchored to old memories, the club is far too optimistic that the good times will return. Go to the reunion in 30 years and see what decades of high leverage and “equity” subordinated to a 9% preference can do to a guy. It ain’t pretty.

I tried to get interested in Heartland Express trucking (HTLD) recently. The company’s stock has seen a lot of insider buying in recent months. I can make an argument that HTLD is selling at a discount to its intrinsic value. It trades at an EBITDA multiple of about 7x. If you figure free cash flow can hit $115 million in 2024 during a freight recession, then there should be a lot of upside. The recent market cap is around $900 million for a company that could be worth $1.2 billion.

My enthusiasm waned quite a bit when I noticed that much of the aforementioned cash flow came from a lack of investment in trucks. Heartland depreciated nearly $100 million of its vehicles in the first six months of 2024, but only invested about $3 million (net) in new trucks. By comparison, local company Werner Enterprises depreciated $146 million of vehicles during the first six months of 2024 and reinvested a net $118 million in new equipment. The freight market is probably recovering, but it will take a lot of capital for Heartland to modernize its fleet. This one’s a pass for me.

I’m working on a write up for Welltower (WELL). I mentioned it several weeks ago as a very expensive stock with slightly dubious amounts of asset churn. There is a lack of a clear strategy with medical office buildings paired with B-quality senior living assets. The company is a REIT and yields a sub-par 2.2%. The stock has risen 54% over the past 12 months and trades hands at a $76 billion market cap. It strikes me as absurdly overvalued and is my strongest candidate for a short position. You can talk all you want about favorable demographics, but the earnings are weak and the operating costs are not improving as more states impose minimum staffing requirements. Medicare reimbursements are dropping and the company is highly levered.

Until next time.

Appendix: Heartland Trucking income statement and return on capital.